Our way


At Khalid Construction, we adopt a holistic approach to sustainability through our 5P model, which aims to achieve positive outcomes for our partners, people, projects, practices, and places.

Our Approach

4P Model of Sustainability

Our approach to sustainability ensures we act in a socially responsible and environmentally respectful manner and that we continually measure, evaluate and increase sustainability efforts.


Khalid Construction is committed to working collaboratively as client-focused solution providers.


We engage our employees by offering access to educational resources and support to them develop professionally.


We are involved in every phase of a project’s cycle, from its inception, to construction, and after completion.


We strive to improve our operations through the measurement, communication, and resources.

Corporate Social Responsibility is Good Business

At Khalid Construction, we recognize that our decisions today will impact our communities for years to come, which is why we take our role in sustainability seriously. Our clients expect us to operate and build sustainably while providing exceptional service, and we are committed to meeting those expectations. By prioritizing our social responsibilities, we inspire our project teams to think beyond the traditional project delivery methods and to explore innovative ways to increase efficiency and value, while also delivering positive impacts to our communities.

A Legacy of Community Giving

At Khalid Construction, we believe in taking an active role in promoting social responsibility. We are committed to creating a positive impact on our people and environment, while building a sustainable future for all.

We take care of our people by providing a safe and healthy work environment that is free from any kind of discrimination or harassment. We also invest in our employees’ professional development by providing training, educational resources, and other support to help them grow and achieve their career goals.

Building Lasting Partnerships

At Khalid Construction, we recognize that our success is built on the dedication and hard work of our people. We take great pride in fostering a culture of employee engagement, providing education, resources, and support to help our employees achieve their full potential. We believe that investing in our people is not only the right thing to do, but it also enhances our ability to deliver exceptional value to our clients and partners.

In summary, our commitment to social responsibility is at the heart of everything we do at Khalid Construction. We believe that by working together with our partners, protecting the environment, and investing in our people, we can build a better future for our communities and our planet.



We hope that you find the report informative and that it provides better insight into our journey.